This page contains a selection of links to sites for government agencies and departments and to others with useful information not already shown in the lists of members. Recently added or changed items are in BLUE TEXT.
MHA web links
UK Regulatory Bodies
- BEIS (was DECC Dept responsible for energy and climate change mitigation)
- Ofgem Office of Gas and Electricity Markets who operate the Feed in Tariff
Material with regards to generation of renewable electricity
- Feed In Tariffs Scheme
- Feed-in Tariff rates
- Renewables Obligation materialon degression caps (i.e. whether and by how much they have been breached) is usually available on the Ofgem website here
- Electricity suppliers providing FiT
- Log-in (for registered schemes)
- Grants (including rules re EU de minimis arrangements)
- Guidance for generators Version 7 23 June 2014
- Guidance for electricity suppliers (mha highlights)
- Definition of generating equipment for Feed-in Tariff (21/2/2013)
- Ofgem Essential Guide to applying for preliminary accreditation under FITs Issued 18 September 2014
- Useful guide to gaining Ofgem accreditation under the ROO-FIT process (published for Powerspout turbines but applies more generally)
- EA (England and Wales)
- link to internal web page of mha’s ongoing ea consultation and current rules, regulations http://www.microhydroassociation.org/ea-internal-documents.html
- NEW INFORMATION ON EA abstraction and impoundment licensing: documents are listed here
- EA Guidance etc.
Northern Ireland
- Scottish FiT and Grants, (see also this link on the Scottish Government website re SDRP),
Scottish Government: See this page for definitive information concerning the non-availability of an SRDP grant if the FiT is sought. The CARES funding scheme has recently been revised - see CARES website for details; Scottish Government policy concerning regulation of hydropower (issued 2010) is here
SEPA Run of River Guidance for Developers updated 20 Dec 2012: see here
- SEPA consultation on hydro schemes - - see 30 April entry on Home page; here is the original document in case no longer available from SEPA, and here is the published guidance on information required in a licence application. These are the Consultation Responses (part 1 and part 2) provided to the mha under the Freedom of Information Act on 27th January 2011. This is the analysis SEPA have provided to the mha as justifying the published guidance.
- Natural Resources Wales manages, protects and utilises Wales’ natural resources
Other useful information
- HMRC The UK’s tax authority
They have deemed that VAT is not payable on the Feed-in Tariff for domestic generation. The reasoning for this is because energy companies are not directly purchasing the energy of Microgenerators, but providing them with an incentive for generating it. If, however, you reach a commercial arrangement with an electricity supplier for the sale of electricity outside the feed-in tariff, VAT should be added including the prevailing VAT rate for energy (5% at the time of writing).
- Income and Corporation tax: http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/manuals/bimmanual/bim40510.htm http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/manuals/bimmanual/BIM40520.htm
Grid Connections
- British Map of Distribution Network Operators (DNOs)
- For information on G83/1 and G59/2 connection procedures see:
- Energy Networks site Information for generators seeking a connection
Please note that these are only guides to ER G83 and ER G59, not the documents themselves. For the latest versions, which are available only for a fee, click here. Here you will find a second link for the engineering document catalogue where you can search for, purchase and download a wide range of ENA engineering documents that include G59 and G83 under "Engineering Recommendations" (ER).
A Guide for Connecting Generation that falls under ER G83/1-1 Stage 1 to the Distribution Network (Version 3.1 - April 2011)
A Guide for Connecting Generation that falls under ER G83/1-1 Stage 2 to the Distribution Network (Version 3.1 - April 2011)
G83/1 is valid until March 2014 but from then G83/2 should be used (see below)
NEW G83/2 standard for Grid connection <16A per phase - the version here was supplied by Ofgem last year.
Guide for ER G83/2 Single Premises Connections (Version 3.4 - January 2013)
Guide for ER G83/2 Multiple Premises Connections (Version 3.4 - January 2013)
Guide for ER G59/2 Connections (Version 3.4 - January 2013)
List of approved meters from National Measurement Office
Technical information
River flow data: now available again on the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology website. Where data is not yet verified, CEH will provide what is available and will answer email queries free of charge. Note that the facilities on this website work with Internet Explorer and Google Chrome (March 2012) but not all do with Mozilla Firefox. Further useful links below for main UK rivers (even though some are accessed via the EA):
Flow duration curves - use this to select the watercourse/gauging station anywhere in the UK;
Real time river levels (EA) - you have to navigate through maps or regions to get to a specific gauging station
Real time River levels (SEPA) - use the above links to select your watercourse and then view EA or SEPA recent river level (not available on-line for Northern Ireland);
Formulae for converting river level to flow - having selected the river and found the current level, then use this link to access the EA-maintained "Hi Flows" data site, select the watercourse again, and follow the link to "Ratings" where the conversion formula from river level to flow is shown. CAUTION: some gauging stations show equations only for high flows - check the Max Stage column for applicability - if not available contact the agency (SEPA is [email protected]).
Joe Hartvigsen's site (Turgo turbine components and design)
Ask the Renewable Energy Guru (from the USA)
General information
Community Energy Online Community energy covers aspects of collective action to reduce, purchase, manage and generate energy.
Energy Saving Trust is a social enterprise with a charitable Foundation. They offer impartial advice to communities and households on how to reduce carbon emissions, use water more sustainably and save money on energy bills
YouGen General renewable energy website
Low Impact Living Initiative Promotes multiple approaches to sustainable ways of living
British Hydropower Association The trade association mainly for developers, suppliers and installers of larger hydropower
Microhydropower network International site for hydro scheme information and links
The European Small Hydropower Association (ESHA) Mainly deals with larger hydropower
Please email me (link) if any links are broken or out of date